Sunday, December 28, 2008
Kenduri doa selamat 9W2SLJ
¤¤Blogging via Motorola V6 Maxx¤¤
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Moh Bkt Merah Laketown
¤¤Blogging via Motorola V6 Maxx¤¤
It's wasn't me...!!!
Last time i got a called from 9w2ZAE saying to me that i wasn't show up when an Astra net controller calling for me..
It's wasn't me...!!!
Just now again i got sms from 9W2TPT saying the same things but he recognised my audio quite well.
It's wasn't me...!!!
It is beyond my control and i plan to lodge a report to MCMC as they have the power and authorities to investigate further...just take 5 minutes from my office at Cyberjaya. Ok then..i was grateful to have friends who care for others..thank u guys
via motorola V6 maxx.
Friday, December 26, 2008
¤¤Blogging via Motorola V6 Maxx¤¤
Terima kasih Bro 9W2AFR
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tragedi Tanah Runtuh Bukit Antarabangsa

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Year of Manufactured : April 2008
Warranty : ??????
Wonderful rig and performance plus the cheapest price in open market.
Most annoying problem:
- No signs of Tx power appeared when triggering PTT. During QSO, when it happens, the other station will wait for a while waiting for your Tx but received no signal and audio at all.
Findings and observations based on setup station:
Mobile station
Perodua kancil
- Battery NS40 Fluid Type ( 2 years old )
- Fluid level - low
- Power Supply direct tap from battery
- First year - overall OK
- Second year - Oftenly occured
- Battery NS70 Fluid Type ( 1-2 year old)
- Fluid Level- low
- Power supply direct tap from battery
- More than 5 times occured.
Base station
- Regulated switching power supply 12V
- No problem encountered.
Suspected root cause:
- PTT ( switch )
- Cable from rig to Mic
- Power output from rig
- Battery defects
Action taken :
- Change to another mic - problem persist
- Smash down to floor - still persist
- Re-fill battery water - no problem encountered until today
Theory but no facts:
- Based on my personal experiences and secondary informations from friends & radio forums, it is not because of the PTT problems as what an ordinary people thought but technically because of power supplied to Microphone. For Yaesu FT8800, its only need 5vdc to operate compared with ICOM 2200H which need at least 8Vdc to operate. A supply voltage from battery is sometime fluctuated depending on battery performance. It is true that this type of transceiver has been tested but why the complaints keep increasing not declining.
- It does happens when a supply current to rig insufficient and failed to distribute stable current flow to MIC (max 10mA).
- By re-filling battery water and ensure battery is running well and supply enough current to rig, it will definitely may provide sufficient current supply to rig.
How to overcome this problems ?
- voltage stabilizer - provide sufficient voltage and current supply
- Buy new battery
- Battery performance voltage checking e.g monthly or weekly
- Last option - buy a new mobile rig except ICOM 2200H.
I'm not offering solution but only a recommendation. Try with your own risk. If this can make a change, it is my pleasure for you to share your testimonial or comments. At least, better from yesterday.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Menjelang RAE 2/2008
Tips mudah dari saya.
- Cari rakan radio yang boleh kongsi bersama ajar SOP dan Teknikal
- Usaha
- Komitmen
- Masa
- Sabar
- Doa
- Yakin pada diri sendiri
Tak cukup tambah sendiri la ye....lauk pauk dah disediakan...cuma kita sahaja yang pilih lauk mana nak masukkan dalam pinggan kita.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Congratulations to new 9M's
Tahniah pada rakan2 yang lulus dalam CW test pada 24hb baru-baru ini.
1.9W2AUR-Muhammad Aimil-Melaka untuk kali yang ke2 baru lulus
2.9W2AUI-Adi Salleh-Ulu Kelang
3.9W2TOT-Ibrahim Musa-Pahang
4.9W2VAV-Chai Chuan Tat-Johor untuk kali yang ke2 baru lulus
5.9W2DRL-Lee Chun Cheow-Penang
6.9W2LOO-Lo Chee Hin- Segamat Johor
7.9W2MZT-Mazli Shahar Bin Mohamed-Ampang untuk kali yang ke2 baru lulus
8.*9W2GL-Wan Morhisham Bin Mokhtar
9.9W6RMO-Roger Merdika Ombulun-Sabah
10.9W6DMC-Willie Tadam-Sabah
Tertanya-tanya juga, bila agaknya giliran saya..heheh...tahun depan mari...siapa mau ikut...JOM kita pakat ramai-ramai ambil CW.
Hadiah raya pada mereka ini le gamaknya...Tahniah sekali lagi pada mereka.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Musang Melaka di takluk V17 (ARDF)

Sistem pemberian hadiah hanyalah pada peserta pertama yang dapat mengesan musang tersebut. Kami 3 kumpulan dari V17 jika dikira ranking berjaya mendapat podium 1,2 dan 3(Jika dikira masa) . Alhamdulillah.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
In memory of 9M2DS - Silent Key 28/8/08
Monday, August 18, 2008
ARDF Malacca
Just my snapshot before we make a next move to Malacca end of this month in order to take part in ARDF Malacca organised by Malacca Amateur Radio Community.
Previously i was using this kind of antenna during ARDF Central just a few month ago.
I'll need to make a new kind of antena similar to Yagi but more sensitive. Still have to make it possible while still can. Okay....i need to arrange my time to do it. we come!!!
Details here
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tahniah pada Komuniti V17 - Fox Hunt Selangor 2008
Dari kiri duduk - 9W2POK,9W2TLB
Rupanya kamilah kumpulan yang pertama (V17 B) sampai ke HOME pada jam 11:20 pagi. Lebih kurang 1 jam 5 min dari waktu pelepasan. V17 telah menghantar 3 kumpulan bagi menyemarakkan lagi pertandingan ini. Menang atau kalah bukanlah pengukur sebenar tetapi semangat ham perlu disemarakkan pada diri setiap rakan agar kesinambungan hobi ini akan dapat memberikan manfaat pada generasi akan datang.
Tidak lupa juga takziah buat 9W2SMF atas kehilangan ayah beliau sehari sebelum dan tabik buat PARTS kerana menghantar wakil bagi sama-sama memeriahkan acara ini.
Apapun , selepas ini wakil V17 akan sentiasa menghantar wakil ke acara ini sekiranya dijemput InsyaAllah.
Papan keputusan
Gadget - Active Attenuator
1)V17 B
Best antenna design :
V33 ROG ( Dinilai oleh OT 9M2DS) - " comey antena ni...kecil bukan sebarang "
Untuk lebih lagi gambar sila klik disini dan sini lagi
Monday, July 14, 2008
(Gambar diatas diambil dari blog jurukaka)
Bagi yang tidak pernah dengar apakah aktiviti Fox Hunting...maka bolehlah mulai bertanya pada rakan yang aktif dan giat dengan ham radio sekitar lokalan anda. Sebab aktiviti ini sukar nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata serta visual melainkan anda mendengar rakan yang pernah terlibat bercerita tentang permainan ini.
Untuk makluman rakan2, tak sampai sejam pun anda dapat siapkan antena yagi 3 elemen bagi tujuan fox hunting ini. Walaupun kelihatan mudah dan pelik bagi orang ramai lihat, tetapi jenis antena inilah yang agak berbisa semasa sedang mencari musang. Semasa latihan, ramai juga yang lalu lalang bertanya ....tentang aktiviti ini dan kebanyakan dari mereka memang kurang pengetahuan tentang radio amatur di Malaysia, bukan sahaja orang ramai malahan geng radio amatur sendiri pun tak pernah tau dan tidak ambil tahu.
Jadi...20hb ini pihak penganjur MARTS Selangor akan mengadakan pertandingan Fox Hunting di Tasik Titiwangsa. Ada kita dengar datang dari jauh untuk sertai.
Jadi...apa macam???? ADA BERANI kita berentap di sana cari musang!!!Butiran terperinci boleh dapat di sini :
1) Marts
2) Rules & Regulation
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Broadband Over Power Line memberi kesan terhadap Radio Amatur

Broadband over Power Line:
BPL is the delivery of broadband Internet signals using electrical wiring to conduct high-speed digital signals to homes and businesses. BPL systems are designed to deliver Internet services using medium voltage power lines as the distribution medium and generally use the frequency range between 1.7 and 80 megahertz (MHz) but for Malaysia range 1Mhz-40Mhz.
Because power lines are not designed to prevent radiation of RF energy, BPL represents a significant potential interference source for all radio services using this frequency range, including the Amateur Radio Service. Overhead electrical power lines and residential wiring act as antennas that unintentionally radiate the broadband signals as radio signals throughout entire neighborhoods and along roadsides. Interference has been observed nearly one mile from the nearest BPL source.
What is the status of BPL?
From a regulatory standpoint, BPL is an unlicensed, unintentional emitter of RF energy and is subject to FCC Part 15 rules. FCC rules require that BPL systems may only operate subject to the express condition that harmful interference is not caused to licensed radio services. BPL is not entitled to protection from interference. So far, BPL has been deployed in numerous temporary test sites but in few commercial installations. Despite the very limited deployment, considerable interference has been documented. In October 2004 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted new rules for BPL systems. These rules place new restrictions on BPL systems in recognition of the fact that they pose a greater threat of radio interference than most Part 15 devices, such as garage door openers. However, the new rules are not sufficient to reduce the probability of harmful interference to reasonable levels. Administrative appeals of the rules have been filed and court challenges are likely.
Why are the regulations inadequate?
The Communications Act of 1934 and the FCC Rules have long required that unlicensed emitters such as BPL systems must protect licensed radio services from interference, and that they must accept any interference to their operation that is the result of normal activity by licensed radio services. However, in practice it is often difficult to resolve such interference problems in the field. In one case in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, BPL engineers spent 12 weeks trying to solve an interference problem without success. The interference did not cease until the test was terminated prematurely.
Studies by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) show that the probability of interference from a BPL system operating at the FCC radiated emission limit on the same frequency as a typical two-way radio station is essentially 100% 200 to 400 meters from the power line, depending on the frequency. Despite this clear evidence that the limit is too permissive, the FCC declined to impose a tighter limit except in frequency bands used by aeronautical services. This means that unless they voluntarily design their systems for reduced emissions, BPL system operators will have to take expensive, customized steps to correct interference on a case-by-case basis. That may not be possible unless they turn off their systems. Of course, they will strongly resist having to do so. This is why radio operators are so concerned, and why BPL customers cannot be assured of receiving reliable broadband service.
An April 27, 2004 report released by the NTIA acknowledges that BPL signals "unintentionally radiate" from power lines. The NTIA also said then-current FCC Part 15 measurement techniques may "significantly underestimate" peak BPL field strength and that "interference risks are high under existing FCC Part 15 rules." The FCC rulemaking only partially addressed these concerns.
Although BPL proponents dispute these claims of interference to licensed services, they have provided little in the way of calculations or measurements of BPL radiation levels -- and what they have provided has been flawed by technical errors.
Others at risk
The "short waves" -- the only part of the radio spectrum that supports long-distance, intercontinental radio communication. The short waves are used for international broadcasting, aeronautical, maritime, disaster relief, and other services including the military.
The "low-band VHF" frequency range that is heavily used by volunteer fire departments, police, and other first responders.
Depending on their distance from a BPL system, some public safety and federal government radio systems could receive harmful interference.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
DXing Bagan Lalang
Even though they are some negatives comment on those activities BUT we do take it positively purposely for the sake of ham radio. I will not making a noise or express my dissatisfaction for something are not worth to talk anymore. BUT please bear in mind my beloved friends, what is Radio Amateur? What is the unique about this kind of hobbies? Ask yourself on your contribution towards Radio Amateur development?
"To be or not to be.....tepuk dada tanya nak apa? need to comment further.
I was so happy to be in this family...aren't you?????????
For interesting DXing pictures, you may click here
Go with the air and feel it .
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Mini Field Day at Bagan Lalang
To anyone who really really likes to DXing....or never had an experienced in HF communication.
Grab this golden opportunity by participate in a mini FIELD DAY at Bagan Lalang this weekend.
Date : 7 Jun 2008 till morning of 8 Jun 2008
Venue : Bagan Lalang LKIM Resort
Dx'ers: 9M2RS, 9M2ZC, 9M2RZL
- HF Stations for Voice/Phone/ CW by 9M2RS
- Digital Comms (RTTY/PACTOR/ SSTV, etc)by 9M2RZL
- Technical Talk
Beransur pulih
Harmonik saya dibenarkan pulang ke rumah pada Jumaat lepas setelah seminggu berada di sana dengan sebab kesihatan " Pneunomia atau Radang Paru-Paru" .
Pneumonia - inflamasi paru-paru yang disebabkan oleh bakteria, virus atau fungal (kulat).
Untuk sebarang maklumat lanjut boleh layari laman web berikut:
Terima kasih pada rakan2 yang membantu dengan harapan perkara ini tidak berlaku pada rakan2 semua dan jika berlaku juga, cepatlah ambil tindakan. Jangan ditunggu-tunggu dan dilengahkan. InsyaAllah kita redha dengan dugaan dariNya. :)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Semput dan demam panas
Sunday, May 11, 2008
MARES di Karnival TM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
TARIKH/MASA : 10 Mei 2008 – 11 Mei 2008 ( 8.30 pg - 6.00 ptg )
LOKASI : Perkarangan Pasar Borong Selangor
Pihak MARES akan turut sama mengadakan pameran berkenaan Radio Amatur khususnya kepada umum bagi tujuan pendedahan mengenai hobi ini.
Mari ramai2 memeriahkan karnival ini.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Change your voice/audio is been a long time i'm not made any posting and updating on any of my projects or :) curiousity. After PRU12, i was a bit busy attending courses at KUB.COM and this is cumpulsory for a staff Telekom like me. Wow, technologies nowadays made me all had witnesses that by using Yahoo Messenger u would able to communicate and talk freely without worrying a telephone bills.. ...well.....this is call technology innovatives.
But we are still holding and sticked to amateur radio as we do realize that without knowing basic telecommunication , we will not able to understand further ....
Lately, i was very happy that a lot of ham member were truly made a fun of their voice thru air...the echo sound made them very special and it is to show that....we are not a common ham members but learning something by doing an electronic circuits connected to their HT or RIG and heard your own audio sounds funny will encourage themselves to learn more and more.
Even if you do not know what is resistor and how it looks like, but believe doing a simple electronics project will make them know better...:)...
Voice Changer using computer software
My first intention was to develop a voice changer electronic circuits which will change your audio to vibrato, echo , robot and pitch effects. But its hard for me to find 'IC WIN8072' which are important component to make the circuit function. Try to find at Jalan Pasar but u know....they even never heard of it. Well....jeng..jeng..jeng...if i couldn't find it ...why not i try it using software...more function and more cheaper. I've tested and it works fine. These are the step i would like to share:
1) Know your RJ12 pin for MIC,PTT and GND. (Yaesy FT8800 - Pin 4/GND,Pin6/PTT,Pin5/MIC)
2) Surf this website to develop electronic diagram from your PC to Radio (Refer Circuit 1) this is to control your MIC sensitivity.
3) Download and install (u may try other software- no harm)
For me it was very simple.....but my advice learn the component well because some of it do have a polarity +ve and aware of it or the end results may disappointed u. Okey...good luck and have fun.
Science is fun, so with the electronics. :)

For reference if u're using it. (Click Below)
Thanks for 9W2MZY for gives me a hope to get those IC WIN8072. If u found me yahhh.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Antenna Analyser
Malam tadi (5/2/08)agak menarik perbincangan di simplex V17 dimana topik perbualan berkisar mengenai 'Antenna Analyser'. Walaupun perbincangan agak lewat menghampiri tengah malam tetapi keseronokan menimba ilmu bukan mengira waktu. Terima kasih kepada 9M2RS (Hj.Rashid) ,9W2END (Firdaus), 9W2TPT (Hamid) yang sudi berkongsi pengetahuan.
Hasil dari perbincangan malam tadi, sedikit sebanyak saya memahami apakah kegunaan antenna analyser. Dari apa yang saya faham, kelebihannya agak banyak berbanding meter SWR biasa di mana salah satu fungsinya ia dapat mengukur 'Cable Losses', 'Distance to fault', 'Measure capacitance and inductance, ' Freq counter' dan sebagainya bergantung kepada pengeluar/manufacturer. Macam biasa, lagi banyak fungsi lagi mahal harganya. Apa yang menarik minat saya adalah kita tidak memerlukan tranceiver untuk menguji antena dimana 'Antenna Analyser' ini boleh beroperasi hanya dengan kuasa bateri dan bekalan kuasa dari luar. Pada pendapat saya kegunaannya mudah berbanding meter SWR biasa yang memerlukan power input untuk ujian.
Pada malam 6/2/08, kami iaitu 9W2TPT dan 9W2END telah eyeball dimana setiap perbincangan dari awal jam 10 mlm sehingga lewat jam 12 tgh malam adalah berkisar mengenai teknikal ham radio. Dalam masa yang sama juga 9w2TPT menjalankan demo mengenai fungsi 'Antenna Analyser MFJ-259' .

- Resonan frekuensi antena anda
- Tune/penalaan antena di atas tower tanpa perlu tranceiver dan menyaksikan perubahan SWR setiap kali melakukan penalaan.
- Tune antena mobile HF dalam masa beberapa saat sahaja.
- Ukur SWR antena
- Ukur induktan, kapasitan, resonan frekuensi, transmission line faktor velositi/impedance/loss.
- Uji RF chokes, transformer/alatubah dan balun.
- Trim antena sehingga SWR 1.1 tanpa perlu lakukan QRM.
Terima kasih pada 9w2TPT kerana sudi berkongsi penggunaan antenna analyser MFJ-259 ini. Pada pendapat saya, peralatan seperti ini penting kerana selain dari pelbagai fungsi ianya juga dapat membantu kita melakukan penalaan yang optimum terhadap antena yang digunakan.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Private QSO
Just a few days ago, i'm wondering weither my ICOM 2200H able to QSO in private with other station like scramble audio such as Motorola and Spender product . The other station monitoring might sense a signal but no audio being heard. So i started to explore my manual instruction handbook in order to get the full picture of its capability and compatibilty of what are the real function of :
- CTCSS tone encoder
- CTCSS tone encoder/decoder
- DTCS tone encoder/decoder
Can we use this function to QSO in private? .......
CTCSS tone encoder - normally you are using it to access repeater because you need to set TONE such as 103.5 , 203.5 or else . Repeaters will give access when you're transmitting the right TONE and the right shift +/- of course.
CTCSS tone encoder/decoder - Nor like CTCSS tone encoder, both or group members set the same tone for Tx Tone and Rx tone. The other station may heard your audio, but they are not able to join in because you have setting the tone for Rx which not known by others. This function is useful when you're not allow someone else to interfere between your conversation in group.
DTCS tone encoder/decoder - This function is a bit advance compare with CTCSS, it is stands for Digital Tone Code Squelch. It will open squelch/tone when receiving a signal
with the same pre-programmed subaudible tone or DTCS code, respectively. So in theory, other station may not heard any audio from us. It is not been tested yet of how does its really work and is it really .....PRIVATE? we need to use it.?..and why?
It is called DCS for yaesu Ft8800 for information.
I'm keen to know from you guys, please throw your comment/experience here and hopefully we can fully know how to operate well our rig/HT. That's why we are called station and it is need to be operated by...... . And who are you if you can't operate your own rig/Ht?????
Next...we will discuss on a digital function and can we link up using the internet gateway?
73 Cheriooo
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
RG213 vs RG214 Coaxial cable
RG213 (right picture) is low loss cable with a non-contaminating jacket.
General Specifications

Outer Diameter: 0.405 inches
Center Conductor: Stranded
Impedance: 50 Ohm
Outer Conductor: Braid
Velocity of Prop. :66%
Jacket: Black PVC-IIA
RG214 (right picture) is low loss cable with double braid and non-contaminating jacket
General Specifications

Outer Diameter:0.405 inches
Center Conductor: Stranded
Impedance :50 Ohm
Outer Conductor :Dual Braid
Velocity of Prop.: 66%
Jacket : Black PVC-IIA
Just look at it, the only different is the outer conducter (shield) whereby RG214 using dual Braid compared with RG213. I'm not sure the result of using RG214 technically because we're more common to use RG213 and easy to get at open market.
Please comment.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Tips of how to make the perfect solder joint

- All parts must be clean and free from dirt and grease.
- Try to secure the work firmly.
- "Tin" the iron tip with a small amount of solder. Do this immediately, with new tips being used for the first time.
- Clean the tip of the hot soldering iron on a damp sponge.
- Many people then add a tiny amount of fresh solder to the cleansed tip.
- Heat all parts of the joint with the iron for under a second or so.
- Continue heating, then apply sufficient solder only, to form an adequate joint.
- Remove and return the iron safely to its stand.
- It only takes two or three seconds at most, to solder the average p.c.b. joint.
- Do not move parts until the solder has cooled.
What is the phase reversal phenomenon significant in line-of-sight reception

Pertama sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada rakan sepejabat saya iaitu 9W2BRO handle Edham ( orang pertama ) membuka mata saya untuk menerima hobi radio amatur ini.