Apapun carry on with learning. Ok....ENDX0...LESSON#1.
Speed - 12wpm
Software - Cw Player
X -..- >100% rhythm copy
0 ----- > 100% rhyhtm copy
D -.. > 50% - confuse with N
N -. > 60% - confuse with D, as my mind still waiting for another last dit.
E . > 100% copied but when running a test...char E is too fast for me to write it down. So i left it behind and ready for next char.
Conclusion for today, 60% char left behind was 'E'...even though it was so easy when you heard in single sound. But when combining with other characters, a bit hard to extract out and write down immediately. 'Sigh'...need to improve more and more by listening. Skip sekejap tulis...sebab itu yang buat tension. just enjoying the listening first.
Tapi bukan boleh duduk diam, macamana nak naikkan semangat ni. Geledah barang-barang tengok ada yang boleh dijadikan CW key....jadi took only 5 minutes to assemble those thing. Sekejap je, gunakan barang yang ada disekeliling, tak perlu beli. At least bila letak benda ni depan mata , bangga dengan hasil tangan sendiri.
CW oscillator guna hobby electronic dari Maplin RM18. Dah beli lama , baru nak pasang. Take a look my CW key. Very simple, i've no problem transmitting but still learning on receiving.
kena banyak bersabar pro..melalui pengalaman aku yg sblm ni,aku pun x dapat fokus bila time receive sambil menulis..ape yg aku buat ialah gunakan headphone dan kuatkan vol dia..agak lama jugak aku gunakan headphone until one day tanpa aku sedari aku da mula lebih fokus..huruf E mmg x sempat nak tulis jika rx in 12wpm utk permulaan..cube ubah cara pro tulis huruf tu..cm aku wat E kecik je,cpat ckit..cara lain adalah banyakkan bersabar dan jgn stress kan diri..lgpun exam nya lambat lagi..rilek k
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