Have you heard my audio on HF band immediate after obtained my Class A license? Even my friends from V17 has offered to me HF Radio Transceiver for me to use it , but i still can't accept it. Why?
Currently i'm staying at Government Quarters somewhere at Setapak Area. I cannot do anything as i had to follow by the government quarters rules. No antennas except an ASTRO dish are permitted to install. It is very hopeless.. I may not having a good time to enjoy such great hobby likes other operators but is it means NO antenna NO satisfaction NO QSO and anything related to antenna?
How i'm going to move on without an antenna installed on top of my roof? How far i can enjoy the privilege?
It doesn't stop me to move forward as i've got encouragement from hams around me. Sometimes i envy toward a hams showing their great HF antenna installed on top of their house and shack room to be proud of it. And behind of those, somebody like me who always wondering to get an opportunity like them. Emmmm......what shall i do?
The answer is find the best location to DX and have fun. Recently Wilayah V17 DX Team and me had enjoyed DX'ing at Pengkalan Balak and Port Dickson.
Wait for the next posting.....i'll share to you my experience working at HF Band and how i found out it was FUN.
Happy DX'ing!
Salam Radio Amatur,
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Kursus Persediaan bagi Peperiksaan Radio Amatur siri 1-2012...
12 years ago