Well....it is been a long time i'm not made any posting and updating on any of my projects or :) curiousity. After PRU12, i was a bit busy attending courses at KUB.COM and this is cumpulsory for a staff Telekom like me. Wow, technologies nowadays made me impressed....you all had witnesses that by using Yahoo Messenger u would able to communicate and talk freely without worrying a telephone bills.. ...well.....this is call technology innovatives.
But we are still holding and sticked to amateur radio as we do realize that without knowing basic telecommunication , we will not able to understand further ....
Lately, i was very happy that a lot of ham member were truly made a fun of their voice thru air...the echo sound made them very special and it is to show that....we are not a common ham members but learning something by doing an electronic circuits connected to their HT or RIG and heard your own audio sounds funny will encourage themselves to learn more and more.
Even if you do not know what is resistor and how it looks like, but believe me....by doing a simple electronics project will make them know better...:)...
Voice Changer using computer software
My first intention was to develop a voice changer electronic circuits which will change your audio to vibrato, echo , robot and pitch effects. But its hard for me to find 'IC WIN8072' which are important component to make the circuit function. Try to find at Jalan Pasar but u know....they even never heard of it. Well....jeng..jeng..jeng...if i couldn't find it ...why not i try it using software...more function and more cheaper. I've tested and it works fine. These are the step i would like to share:
1) Know your RJ12 pin for MIC,PTT and GND. (Yaesy FT8800 - Pin 4/GND,Pin6/PTT,Pin5/MIC)
2) Surf this website to develop electronic diagram from your PC to Radio (Refer Circuit 1)
http://www.eqso.org/faq/ptt-Interface-Circuits.htm this is to control your MIC sensitivity.
3) Download and install http://funny-voice.en.softonic.com/ (u may try other software- no harm)
For me it was very simple.....but my advice is...do learn the component well because some of it do have a polarity +ve and -ve....be aware of it or the end results may disappointed u. Okey...good luck and have fun.
Science is fun, so with the electronics. :)

For reference if u're using it. (Click Below)
Thanks for 9W2MZY for gives me a hope to get those IC WIN8072. If u found it....call me yahhh.