Sunday, February 24, 2008

Private QSO

Assalamualaikum wbt and very goodday to all,

Just a few days ago, i'm wondering weither my ICOM 2200H able to QSO in private with other station like scramble audio such as Motorola and Spender product . The other station monitoring might sense a signal but no audio being heard. So i started to explore my manual instruction handbook in order to get the full picture of its capability and compatibilty of what are the real function of :
  1. CTCSS tone encoder
  2. CTCSS tone encoder/decoder
  3. DTCS tone encoder/decoder

Can we use this function to QSO in private? .......

CTCSS tone encoder - normally you are using it to access repeater because you need to set TONE such as 103.5 , 203.5 or else . Repeaters will give access when you're transmitting the right TONE and the right shift +/- of course.

CTCSS tone encoder/decoder - Nor like CTCSS tone encoder, both or group members set the same tone for Tx Tone and Rx tone. The other station may heard your audio, but they are not able to join in because you have setting the tone for Rx which not known by others. This function is useful when you're not allow someone else to interfere between your conversation in group.

DTCS tone encoder/decoder - This function is a bit advance compare with CTCSS, it is stands for Digital Tone Code Squelch. It will open squelch/tone when receiving a signal
with the same pre-programmed subaudible tone or DTCS code, respectively. So in theory, other station may not heard any audio from us. It is not been tested yet of how does its really work and is it really .....PRIVATE? we need to use it.?..and why?

It is called DCS for yaesu Ft8800 for information.

I'm keen to know from you guys, please throw your comment/experience here and hopefully we can fully know how to operate well our rig/HT. That's why we are called station and it is need to be operated by...... . And who are you if you can't operate your own rig/Ht?????

Next...we will discuss on a digital function and can we link up using the internet gateway?

73 Cheriooo

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

RG213 vs RG214 Coaxial cable

Last night on freq 145.2125mhz (V17), we(9W2YED,9W2TLB,9W2SNA,9W2POK) had a discussion on air regarding on RG214 coaxial cable. Special thanks to Talib(9W2TLB) for brought up this matter. Most of us commonly use RG213 and physically saw how it looks like BUT what about RG214.........? What are the differences between RG213 and RG214?

RG213 (right picture) is low loss cable with a non-contaminating jacket.
General Specifications
Outer Diameter: 0.405 inches
Center Conductor: Stranded
Impedance: 50 Ohm
Outer Conductor: Braid
Velocity of Prop. :66%
Jacket: Black PVC-IIA

RG214 (right picture) is low loss cable with double braid and non-contaminating jacket
General Specifications
Outer Diameter:0.405 inches
Center Conductor: Stranded
Impedance :50 Ohm
Outer Conductor :Dual Braid
Velocity of Prop.: 66%
Jacket : Black PVC-IIA

Just look at it, the only different is the outer conducter (shield) whereby RG214 using dual Braid compared with RG213. I'm not sure the result of using RG214 technically because we're more common to use RG213 and easy to get at open market.

Please comment.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tips of how to make the perfect solder joint

  1. All parts must be clean and free from dirt and grease.
  2. Try to secure the work firmly.
  3. "Tin" the iron tip with a small amount of solder. Do this immediately, with new tips being used for the first time.
  4. Clean the tip of the hot soldering iron on a damp sponge.
  5. Many people then add a tiny amount of fresh solder to the cleansed tip.
  6. Heat all parts of the joint with the iron for under a second or so.
  7. Continue heating, then apply sufficient solder only, to form an adequate joint.
  8. Remove and return the iron safely to its stand.
  9. It only takes two or three seconds at most, to solder the average p.c.b. joint.
  10. Do not move parts until the solder has cooled.

What is the phase reversal phenomenon significant in line-of-sight reception

In case of line of sight reception, there are two components of the signal. One is the direct signal and other is the signal reflected from the ionosphere. Both the signals leave the antenna with the same signal phase, but travel different paths to the receiving antenna. These paths may be of different length. Because the reflected signal suffers 180 degree phase reversal at the point of reflection, the two signals may aid or oppose each other in the receiving antenna. The resultant signal may be stronger or weaker than the direct path signal alone which is not desirable.
qouted from


Alhamdulillah dan syukur ....saya diberikan sedikit kelapangan untuk berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada setiap pembaca dengan mewujudkan blog bagi diri saya selaku pemegang lesen radio amatur kelas B dengan callsign pilihan 9W2PRO.

Pertama sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada rakan sepejabat saya iaitu 9W2BRO handle Edham ( orang pertama ) membuka mata saya untuk menerima hobi radio amatur ini.

Dari situ bermulalah titik tolak saya untuk lebih serius dalam hobi ini kerana hobi ini bukanlah hobi yang biasa, malahan ianya lebih dari itu jika kita dapat memecahkan tembok halangan untuk mencari ilmu pengetahuan berteraskan Radio Frequency khususnya.